Food Pantry

We are very grateful for the soup and monetary gifts from Souper Bowl Sunday. Thank you to Lance, the youth, all who made the delicious soups, and those who donated the cans of soup and contributed money to help support the food pantry. It is a real blessing to provide food and personal care items to the many people who use our food pantry. They are most grateful!!
Thank you to all who continue to bring large paper grocery bags with handles and the red Sendik’s bags. Any non-perishable food items are welcome, but please note expiration dates. One of the items we have noticed that is appreciated by many is the nonrefrigerated milk that comes in cartons. This can be found at the dollar store. We are most grateful for all your help with food, personal care items, and household cleaning aids. Your monetary gifts are used to purchase food and other much-needed items that have not been donated. Without your help, we would not be able to continue this wonderful mission. Thank you for your support!!
The February Good Samaritan Offering: $877.45

Pantry Items for March: STEWS OR CHILI and DISH DETERGENT