Bernice Nailen Memorial Library

During Lent, we focus on deepening our understanding and reflecting on what it means to follow Jesus.

The Library Cart in the Gathering Room 
You are invited to visit your Church Library and the Resource Cart (located in the Gathering Room) to browse, choose, and read from the collections for children, youth, and adults. To support this journey, the Church Library will have a cart of books available in the Gathering Room throughout March and April. We invite you to check out a book and grow closer to God as we approach Easter. 

Feel free to stop by The Bernice Nailen Memorial Library anytime during the week while the church is open. On Sundays, library volunteers are available to assist you from 11:30 to 11:50am. The library is a resource that supports the church’s mission and the growth of our faith. Take some time to browse the library collection – you might be surprised at what you find.

Church Library Ministry: “Reading is an exercise for the mind.” As you enjoy the summer, remember to take time to read. Just as we take time to exercise our bodies, we need to take time to exercise our minds. The quotes and the list of some of the benefits of reading are from the website We invite you to visit The Bernice Nailen Memorial Library. “Reading helps kids calm down and relax, opening doors of new knowledge to enlighten their minds. Kids who read grow up to have better cognitive skills. Reading is good for everyone, not only children or young adults.”

Improves vocabulary
Develops critical thinking skills
Improves memory
Broadens horizons
Improves focus and concentration
Makes you more empathetic
Helps you learn at your own pace
Develops emotions

The library has print titles for all ages (preschool – adult).  The collection includes fiction, Bible study, devotional, Christian life, Methodism, other religions, nature, health, parenting, relationships, biography, history and other subjects.

The Magazine Trading Basket is always available to recycle your “old” (no more than 3 months old) or take (no need to return) a magazine. 

Curious about what’s in our church Library? The Bernice Nailen Memorial Library has something for everyone—fiction, nonfiction, magazines, and children’s materials. Stop in the library and CHECK IT OUT!

  • Please write your name and address on the card at the back of the book.
  • Stamp the date due (3 weeks) on the card and the date due slip in the book.
  • Please leave the card on the desk.
  • Please renew your book if you need more time to read and enjoy the book.

Please stop again. We enjoy seeing you!

Many thanks to the following for their willingness to serve First Church by volunteering to be on the Library Committee: Karen Connell, Nancy Karr, and Donna Wood. If you are interested in serving on the Library Committee, please contact Betty Grypp, Church Librarian, or Deb Semrad, Library Committee Chair.