
Souper Bowl of Caring

Thank You, 1st Church, for making our Souper Bowl of Caring mission outreach successful! Through your generosity, we donated $330 and 79 cans of soup to our food pantry. Special thanks to Raymond, Michelle, Patty, Kathy, Pastor Grace, and JoAnn (my Sous Chef) for making some wonderful soups to sample.

Methodist Movie Matinee /Discussion – Sunday, March 23rd

After worship, we will show the 2016 Christian-based film “What if…” in the sanctuary. In this sometimes-humorous PG-rated drama, Ben (Kevin Sorbo) is a successful business tycoon who, years before, threw away his opportunity to go into the ministry with his girlfriend, Wendy. When Ben’s new Mercedes breaks down, a tow truck driver (John Ratzenberger) who claims to be an angel, proceeds to show him (ala “It’s a Wonderful Life”) what his life could have been like had he made different choices. Does he change? The usual drill: movie, popcorn & beverages are FREE! Stay for a brief discussion and pizzas. A free-will offering will be taken to help defray the cost of the pizzas. Friends are Welcome!!

March 2nd: Shrove Sunday Breakfast – 9-10 am – Small Dining Room

The Men’s Group will serve their annual pancake breakfast in the Small Dining Room from 9:00-10:00 am. Click here for more information.

Ash Wednesday

The Ash Wednesday Service will be held at 7:00 pm on March 5th. Please join us for scripture, song, and the imposition of ashes (Sanctuary/ YouTube). 

Towels for Dogs – A New (ongoing) Outreach

Thanks to those who have brought old, frayed, or torn towels to the basket in the donation alcove of the Narthex. Your early generosity is impressive! As I said last month, I will take the towels to an area animal shelter as they accrue to be used in cleaning and caring for the animals they take in. Please continue to support this outreach! This need will always be there.

Annual Events

Experience The Labyrinth Each Lenten Season

For centuries Christians have used walking a labyrinth as an exercise to help them clear their minds and open themselves to God. We set up our labyrinth each year during lent and provide an opportunity for you to participate in this ancient Christian practice. Soothing music, displays of icons from the Eastern Orthodox Church, and suggestions for meditation are provided as aids to help you experience God in a new, yet time-honored way.







Thanksgiving Baskets

We gave away 183 Thanksgiving baskets to needy families in West Allis and West Milwaukee each year. Last year the baskets cost the church over $9,000.00. Each basket has all the ingredients needed to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving meal.






